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SLF4M User’s Guide



To use SLF4M in your code:


SLF4M provides:

All the code is in the +logger package. I chose a short, readable name because if you’re using logging, it’ll show up a lot in your code.

Logging functions

Level Function J Variant
ERROR logger.error logger.errorj
WARNING logger.warn logger.warnj
INFO logger.infoj
DEBUG logger.debug logger.debugj
TRACE logger.trace logger.tracej

Calling logging functions

In your code, put calls to, logger.debug(...), and so on, as appropriate.

    ...'Working on item %d of %d: %s', i, n, description);
    logger.debug('Intermediate value: %f', someDoubleValue);

Regular and “j” variants

The regular (“m”) versions of the logging functions take fprintf-style formatting and arguments, with %s/%f/%d/etc placeholders. These calls look like normal Matlab fprintf() calls. The argument conversion and formatting is done at the Matlab level before the message is passed along to the SLF4J Java library. These are the functions you should usually be using.

There are also “j”” variants (“j” is for “Java”) of all the the logging functions which use SLF4J style formatting. These use {} as the placeholders, and the arguments are passed down to the SLF4J Java layer to be converted there. These variants are useful if you’re working with actual Java objects in your Matlab code, and you want Java to handle the type conversion. In the j variants, all the input arguments are converted to Java objects using Matlab’s default auto-conversion.

Some Matlab objects may not convert to Java objects at all, so you’ll get errors when trying to use the j variants with them.

>> d = database;
>> logger.infoj('My database: {}', d)
No method 'info' with matching signature found for class 'org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter'.
Error in logger.Logger/infoj (line 146), varargin{:});
Error in loggerCallImpl (line 69)
                logger.infoj(msg, args{:});
Error in logger.infoj (line 13)
loggerCallImpl('info', msg, varargin, 'j');

To avoid this, use the regular variants.

In both cases, the formatting and conversion is done lazily: if the logger is not enabled at the level you are logging the event, the function returns without doing the conversion. So you only pay the cost of the sprintf() or Java conversion and formatting if the logger is enabled.

Logger names

The logging functions in +logger use the caller’s class or function name as the logger name. (This is in line with the Java convention of using the fully-qualified class name as the logger name.) This is accomplished with a trick with dbstack, looking up the call stack to see who invoked it.

You can use anything for a logger name; if no logger of that name exists, one is created automatically. Logger names are arranged in a hierarchy using dot-qualified prefixes, like package names in Java or Matlab. For example, if you have the following loggers:


The Logger object

You can also use the object-oriented logger.Logger API directly. This allows you to set custom logger names. It’ll also be a bit faster, because it doesn’t have to spend time extracting the caller name from the call stack. To use the Logger object directly, get a logger object by calling logger.Logger.getLogger(name) where name is a string holding the name of the logger you want to use.

logger = logger.Logger.getLogger('');'Something happened');

If you use logger.Logger in object-oriented Matlab code, I recommend you do it like this, which looks like the SLFJ Java conventions.

classdef CallingLoggerDirectlyExample

    properties (Constant, Access=private)
        log = logger.Logger.getLogger('');

        function hello(this)
  'Hello, world!');

        function doWork(this)
            label = 'thingy';
            x = 1 + 2;
            timestamp = datetime;
            this.log.debug('Calculation result: label=%s, x=%f at %s', label, x, timestamp);

Evn though log is a Constant (static) property, I like to call it via this because it’s more concise, and then you can copy and paste your code that makes logging calls between classes. Make the log property private so you can have log properties defined in your subclasses, too; they may want to use different IDs.

The dispstr API

In addition to the SLF4J adapter layer, SLF4M provides a new API for generic value formatting and customizing the display of user-defined objects. This consists of a pair of functions, dispstr and dispstrs. They take values of any type and convert them to either a single string, or an array of strings corresponding to the input array’s elements.

This is the equivalent of Java’s toString() method, which is defined for almost everything and customized extensively. (Well, really it’s equivalent to Java’s ""+x string concatenation operation, which really is defined for everything.)

str = dispstr(x)     % Returns char vector
strs = dispstrs(x)   % Returns cellstr array

The input x may be any type.

Normally when writing a library, I avoid defining any global functions, to avoid polluting the shared namespace. But dispstr and dispstrs must be global functions, because they are polymorphic over all input types, including those which are themselves unaware of dispstr.

This provides an extension point for defining custom string conversions for your own user-defined classes. You can override dispstr and dispstrs in your classes, and SLF4M will recognize it. I find this is useful for other string formatting, too.

For uniformity, if you define dispstr, I recommend that you override disp to make use of it. And you’ll typically want to make dispstr and dispstrs consistent.

    function disp(this)

    % Standard implementation of dispstr
    function out = dispstr(this)
        if isscalar(this)
            strs = dispstrs(this);
            out = strs{1};
            out = sprintf('%s %s', size2str(size(this)), class(this));

As a convenience, there is a logger.Displayable mix-in class which takes care of this boilerplate for you. It provides standard implementations of disp and dispstr in terms of dispstrs. If you inherit from logger.Displayable, you only need to define dispstrs.

The dispstr interface

The dispstr function/method takes a single argument, which may be an array of any size, and returns a single one-line string.

The dispstrs function/method takes a single argument, which may be an array of any size, and returns a cellstr array of exactly the same size as the input. For strs = dispstrs(x), the string in strs{i} corresponds to the input x(i).

How dispstr and SLF4M interact

When you call the normal (“m”) variants of the logging functions, dispstr() is applied to any inputs which are objects, so they’re converted automatically and may be passed as parameters for the %s conversion. (In the normal Matlab sprintf, most objects cannot be passed to %s; it results in an error.)

    d = database;'Database: %s', d);

For most Matlab-defined objects, this just results in a “m-by-n <classname>” output. (But at least it doesn’t raise an error, which is especially problematic when your functions are receiving inputs of the wrong type.) It gets particularly useful when you define custom dispstr overrides so your objects have useful string representations.

(You used to be able to monkeypatch new methods in to Matlab-provided datatypes to customize their output, but that doesn’t seem to work on newer versions of Matlab.)


All the actual logging goes through the Log4j back end; you can configure it as with any Log4j installation. See the Log4j 1.2 documentation for details. (Note: you have to use the old 1.2 series doco, because that’s the version of Log4j that Matlab currently ships with. SLF4M does not work with the Log4j 2.x shipped with Matlab R2021b and newer!)

The logger.Log4jConfigurator class provides a convenient Matlab-friendly interface for configuring Log4j to do basic stuff. It’s enough for simple cases. But all the configuration state is passed on the the Log4j back end; none of it is stored in the Matlab layer.

Implementation notes

I chose Log4j as the back end because it’s what ships with Matlab: Matlab includes the Log4j JARs and the SLF4J-to-Log4j binding, so it’s already active, and it’s hard to swap out another back end. (I probably would have chosen logback if I had my druthers.)

Matlab’s internals don’t seem to make much use of SLF4J/Log4j logging, even though they’ve bundled it with Matlab. But some of the third-party JARs they redistributed use it. Turn the levels up to TRACE and see what happens.

Aside from the dispstr formatting, everything is done purely in terms of the underlying SLF4J interface, so SLF4M is compatible with any other code or tools that use SLF4J or Log4j.

Matlab ships with older versions of SLF4J and Log4j. (They’re slow to update their Java libraries.) Hopefully that’s not a problem for people.

Matlab Version SLF4J Version Log4j Version
R2016b 1.5.8 1.2.15
R2017b 1.5.8 1.2.15
R2019b 1.5.8 1.2.15
R2021a 1.5.8 1.2.15
R2021b u3 1.5.8 2.17.0

For more details, see my Matlab jarext Java lib dependency spreadsheet and the Janklab JarExt Inspector project.

UPDATE (2022-04): Turns out this is a problem! Matlab R2021b upgraded the Log4j library to Log4j 2.x, and something about that and the SLF4J-to-Log4j binding arrangement it is using has broken SLF4M. I’m working on it, but it’s going to be a nontrivial fix.